15 Dumbbell Chest Workouts For Muscle Definition

Updated on  February 26, 2023
Aditya Sahu

Aditya Sahu ‧ CPT & Head Coach

Aditya is an ACSM certified personal trainer  and exercise physiologist with more than 7 years training various people and transforming people's lives. He has written various publications for various sports and fitness magazines. 

One thing I know is that everyone desires a well-defined, broad, and muscular chest. 

The chest consists of pectoral muscles which can be further divided into pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. This complete muscle set gets trained in most of the chest workout. And some workout target specially lower pecs or upper pecs. I have covered the whole chest workout in this list. 

Having said that , access to gym may not be always possible, in that case you can always look at our chest workout without weights which can be easily performed anywhere with same intensity. 

Most dumbbell exercises are designed to enhance muscle strength and core stability. In this article, I have covered a plethora of workouts with dumbbells that will help you build massive chest. So let's get started.

Best Dumbbell Chest Exercises For You

1. Dumbbell Flat Bench Press

Dumbbell Bench Press Chest

How to do Dumbbell Bench Chest Press:

Step 1: To do this flat bench chess press, choose a pair of dumbbells that suit you.

Step 2: Next, lie on a flat bench with your face up. Keep your feet flat on the sides of the bench rather than together at the front. 

Step 3: Hold the dumbbells over your chest and bend your elbows slightly. Your palms should be facing each other. Lower the dumbbells and bring them to your sides until you feel a stretch in your chest. 

Step 4: When you reach the sides, ensure your palms face the ceiling, and your arms make a 90-degree angle. This will reduce undue stress on your joints. 

Step 5: Hold the position for a moment and then move back to the starting position with a jerk. I would recommend you do atleast 10-12 reps of this. 

Benefits Of Dumbbell Bench Press:

This bench press exercise makes for a great chest workout. Bench press is a kind of compound exercise it targets your pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, triceps brachii and biceps brachii.

2. Flat Bench Close Grip Dumbbell Press

How to Perform Flat Bench Close Grip Dumbbell Press:

Step 1: Lie face flat on a bench and keep your feet on the sides. Choose dumbbells with an appropriate weight. 

Step 2: To do this bench press, bend your elbows slightly until they form a 90-degree angle with your upper arms. Make sure they are parallel to the ground.

Step 3: Next, straighten your arms and bring the dumbbells close enough so they touch each other. The dumbbells should be parallel to your chest.

Step 4: Hold the position for a few seconds, and then bring your arms back. Do at least 10 reps of this. 

Benefits Of Flat Bench Close Grip Dumbbell Press: 

Close Grip Flat Bench Dumbbell Press works on your pectorial muscles but also targets tricep lateral , medial and long head apart from the anterior deltoid muscles also called as front delts.

3. Hammer Grip Chest Press

This is yet another excellent bench press exercise.

How to Perform Hammer Grip chest Press:

Step 1: Lie on a bench with your face towards the ceiling. Hold a dumbbell in each hand.

Step 2:While keeping your grip neutral, bring both the dumbbells to the sides of your chest.

Step 3: Extend your arms and bring both the weights parallel to your chest. You should feel a good stretch when your arms are extended. 

Benefits Of Dumbbell Hammer Grip Chest Press Exercise:

This exercise specifically benefits pectoralis major and front deltoids, apart from toning triceps brachii and biceps brachii. Adding volume to the triceps, biceps and chests. 

IMportant Tip

To pull this dumbbell bench press successfully, make sure your motion is swift and your back straight. 

4. Dumbbell Flat Bench Pecs Fly

Dumbbell Fly Chest

How to do Dumbbell Bench Pec Fly: 

Step 1: Start by lying down on a flat bench and keep your feet on the sides of the bench.

Step 2: Extend your arms and join the dumbbells directly above your chest. Keep your chest flexed and your wrists straight. 

Step 3: Next, bring your arms to the sides. Bend your elbows slightly to avoid a lot of pressure on the shoulders.

Step 4: Bring the weight right up and over your chest. Repeat this bench press a few times to work up your upper chest. 

Do atleast 12-15 reps or till failure, do 3 sets.

Benefits Of Dumbbell Pec Fly:

It also works on pectoral muscles, apart from biceps.

Working on your pectoral muscles helps in improving body posture and appearance. 

5. Incline Bench Chest Press

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press

How to Perform Incline Chest Press with Dumbbells:

Step 1: Start, by setting your bench at a 45-degree angle to create an incline. Choose dumbbells of your choice and lie face up on a flat bench. 

Step 2: Keep your back straight and your feet at the sides. 

Step 3: Hold the dumbbells at the sides of your chest. 

Step 4: Next, extend your arms and lift the weights straight over your chest. 

Step 5: Hold the position for a moment, and then lower the dumbbells until they touch the outsides of your shoulder

Repeat this for 3 sets with 12-15 reps , with last few reps till failure.

Benefits Of Incline Chest Press:

This is one of the most recommended variations of the bench press as it targets your upper pectoral muscles apart from triceps and front delts.  

Moreover, it also increases the strength of your shoulders. 

6. Incline Close Press

Dumbbell Incline Close Grip Press

How to Perform Incline Close Press:

Step 1: Lie back on a bench that is inclined at a 45-degree angle.

Step 2: Hold the dumbbells while your palms are facing upwards. Next, join the two weights above your chest and extend your arms. 

Step 3: Hold this position for a few seconds or until you feel a stretch in your chest.

Step 4: Lower the weights slowly and gradually until you reach the starting position. 

Try to achieve maximum reps till failure or increase weights, and atleast 3 sets.

Benefits Of Incline Close Press: 

This is one of the best dumbbell chest workouts as it helps build pectoralis major and minor at the same time strengthens your triceps. It also improves elbow extension. And works on rotator cuff at the same time.

7. Incline Hammer Chest Press

Dumbbell Incline Hammer Press

How to Perform Incline Hammer Chest Press:

Step 1: Choose dumbbells with a proper grip, and lie on a bench that is inclined at a 45-degree angle. Hold the dumbbells with a neutral grip. 

Step 2: Next, press the two weights directly above your chest, all the while maintaining shoulder width between them.

Step 3: Bring them back to the starting position. Make sure you push the arms in a swift motion in the first step. 

Benefits Of Incline Hammer Chest Press:

Through this bench press exercise, you engage your biceps, your triceps, and your anterior deltoids. This ensures greater flexibility and versatility in your upper body. 

8. Incline Pecs Fly

Dumbbell Incline Fly

How to Perform Incline Pecs Fly:

Step 1: Lie down on an incline bench, hold your dumbbells and extend your arms directly above your chest. Keep your shoulder blades pinched back.

Step 2: Next, bring your arms slowly to the midline, so they are parallel to the floor.

Step 3: Now, bring your arms back to the starting position. Make sure you do this slowly to ensure core engagement. 


Moreover, I would recommend using a slightly lower weight for this dumbbell chest workout. This is because, during an incline pecs fly, your shoulders are not in a very stable position and hence shouldn’t be burdened with a higher weight. 

Benefits Of This Dumbbell Chest Exercise

It's a way of working your chest without using your triceps. Pulling your upper arm from the sides to the midline helps build resistance in your chest. This barbell bench press also strengthens your shoulders. 

9. Decline Chest Press

How to Do Decline Chest Press: 

Choose dumbbells that compliment your fitness level. Use a decline bench and adjust the level according to your comfort. Next, place your feet below the end of the decline bench to secure them properly.

Lie backwards and hold the dumbbells with a closed grip to enhance safety. Lower the dumbbells to your chest and inhale. With an explosive push, extend your arms and exhale as you move the dumbbells directly above your chest. 

Benefits Of Decline Chest Press: 

This is one of the best dumbbell chest workouts as it targets your lower pectoralis major that is your lower chest. Moreover, it increases activation in your triceps and also reduces stress on your back. It also increases the range of motion.

10. Decline Close Grip Press

Lie on a decline bench with your face facing the ceiling. Keep your hands at shoulder width and place your feet underneath the bench pad. 

Pick up your dumbbells, take a deep breath and adjust your body so that your back is perfectly aligned with the decline bench. Join the dumbbells over your chest, exhale and extend your arms. The weights should be joined together and directly above your chest.

Next, inhale as you bring the weights down. Bring them just below your breastbone so that they touch your chest. 

Benefits Of This Dumbbell Chest Exercise?

This strengthens your shoulder blade and ensures the activation of your lower pecs.

11. Decline Hammer Grip Chest Press

Dumbbell Decline Hammer Press

Adjust a decline bench to complement your fitness level. Hook your feet under the bench pad. Hold the dumbbells in each hand with a hammer/neutral grip. 

To do this bench press, press the dumbbells and contract your chest muscles. Exhale as you lock out your elbows. Bring the dumbbells down towards your chest and inhale during this portion of the dumbbell chest workout.

Benefits Of This Dumbbell Chest press

This decline press targets your pectoral muscles. It is a compound exercise that also strengthens our shoulder joints.

12. Decline Pecs Fly

Lie down on a decline bench and fix your feet at the pads. Join your dumbbells directly above your chest. 

Next, while keeping your arms extended, separate the dumbbells and bring them to the sides of your chest. Make sure you don't bend your elbow joint and try to achieve a full arms extension. It is vital to stabilize your back and your hips to prevent any injuries during this bench press. 

Benefits Of This Dumbbell Chest Exercise?

As part of dumbbell training, this exercise helps improve core stability and ensures better overall coordination.

13 . Dumbbell Pull Over

Lie down on a flat bench. Place your feet on the sides of the bench. Make sure to support your back, neck, and your head thoroughly. 

Pick up a single dumbbell. Hold it with a firm grip and from the end facing you. Extend your arms towards the ceiling and over your chest. Make sure your palms face each other, and your elbows are slightly bent. 

Inhale as you bring the backs over your head and towards your back. Do this slowly, taking about 3 to 4 seconds to achieve a full stretch. Exhale as you bring the dumbbell back to the original position. 

Benefits Of This Dumbbell Chest Exercise

This workout helps increase your chest and serratus size and strengthens your back muscles. Moreover, it can be included as an integral part of your chest training.

14. High Dumbbell Fly

Lie down on an incline bench that is set at 45 degrees. Choose a dumbbell set that suits your needs. 

Start by opening up your chest fully. Next, bend your elbows slightly and contract your pecs. Exhale as you bring the dumbbells directly above your upper chest. Inhale as you bring the dumbbells back to the sides of your chest. 

This chest workout demands that you keep a stable back and your core engaged. 

Benefits Of This Dumbbell Chest Exercise

If you have good motor control and resistance, this chest workout will do wonders for you. It will also build muscle mass and engage your triceps and your biceps. 

15. Crush Grip Dumbbell Press

Crush grip dumbbell press requires your chest to apply force horizontally and vertically, both at the same time. Start by lying down on a regular, flat bench. Hold your dumbbells with a neutral grip above your chest. Make sure your palms face each other.

Keep your arms in line with your shoulders and your back pressed against the bench. Next, bend your elbows sightly and press the dumbbells against each other as hard as you can. 

Lower the dumbbells until there is only a one-inch distance between your chest and your dumbbells. Hold this position for a moment and then return to the starting position. 

Benefits Of This Dumbbell Chest Exercise

This helps you achieve amazing muscle contraction and activation at the same time. 

Tips For An Effective Dumbbell Chest Workout

Here are some tips you can follow to maximize the benefits of all your dumbbell exercises.

  1. Make sure you have a suitable and steady exercise bench. A broken or malfunctioning exercise bench can lead to injury.
  2. Keep your body straight, and your core engaged throughout the dumbbell chest workout.
  3. Keep arm's length between feet unless recommended otherwise.
  4. Do as many reps as your body allows.
  5. Try to extend your arms fully to enhance your range of motion
  6. In most close-press barbell bench presses, you need to slowly lower down your arms to better train your inner chest.

Other Dumbbell Chest Exercises For A Stronger Chest

1.Dumbbell Push-Ups

dumbbell push-ups can help tone your chest. Lower your torso to the floor and bend your elbows. Keep a straight back and hips aligned with your back. To extend your arms, push your hands into the dumbbells. Return to the plank position. This exercise also helps increase your range of motion.

2. Floor Press

To do a floor press, lie on the floor with a straight back. Hold dumbbells of an appropriate weight and do a chest or a close press.

These pressing movements help strengthen your muscle fibers and make for one of the best dumbbell chest exercises out there.

3. Dumbbell Pullover

extend your arms with your palms facing each other. Hold the dumbbells over your chest and bend your elbows slightly.

Inhale and extend the dumbbells back and over your head. Take around 4 sec to reach the back. Make sure the dumbbell is not below your head. Exhale and slowly bring the dumbbells back to the starting position.

4. Dumbbell Pull-Ups

Although not very common, dumbbell pull-ups can help build your lower chest. All you have to do is fix a dumbbell between your legs and do a regular pull-up.


Why Do I Need To Understand The Anatomy Of Chest Before Doing Dumbbell Exercises?

The anterior chest wall includes a large muscle: the pectoralis major. It is a fan-shaped and thick muscle that lies beneath the breast tissue. It is also the most superficial muscle in the region.

On the other hand, the Pectoralis minor lies beneath the pectoralis major and is smaller.

The pectoralis minor moves from the back to the front of the body, and the pectoralis major moves from the outside to the inside part of the body.

Here is all you need to know about chest anatomy.

What Kind Of Dumbbells Should I Buy?

For all kinds of dumbbell bench presses, use small to medium dumbbells if you are targeting your triceps. However, if your sole focus is your upper, middle, or lower chest, you can also go with a medium to a heavy dumbbell.

What Are The Benefits Of Dumbbell Chest Training?

Dumbbell chest workouts help ensure a more muscular and bigger chest. It also increases your range of motion and allows for greater overall stability. Moreover, bench pressing helps reduce muscle imbalances and prevents long-term shoulder pain.

How Should I Stretch Before A Dumbbell Chest Workout?

For chest activation, you can do a small pre-workout. Drop your shoulder blades down and pull them back up while lifting your chest simultaneously to feel a stretch. You can also do a full-body exercise before moving on to dumbbell chest workouts.

Can You Train Chest With Dumbbell Bench Press?

Following a consistent dumbbell bench press regimen, you can create a well-developed chest. Incline presses and decline presses also help activate your arms, your shoulders, and your chest muscles.

The dumbbell bench press, also known as the dumbbell flat bench press and the dumbbell chest press, is an upper-body exercise that activates your arm, shoulder, and chest muscles.

What Are The Best Dumbbell Chest Exercises According To Gym Trainers?

There is no consensus on this, as the efficiency of chest dumbbell exercises depends on your fitness level, requirements, and consistency.

You can do a combination of incline dumbbell bench press, barbell training, incline flys, floor press, and chest presses for an effective workout. You can also use adjustable dumbbells to add variety to your routine.


An excellent and effective chest workout needs three things: appropriate weights, core engagement, and consistency. Whether you do an incline press or a decline press, the trick is to keep your back straight and your feet shoulder-width. This helps engage all essential muscles of the body.

Moreover, all the bench presses mentioned above can be done by people at all fitness levels. You can start with one dumbbell and move to heavy dumbbells as you progress.

But regardless of which exercise you choose, make sure to do it with passion and enthusiasm. Only then can you get your desired results. 

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