Fat Burning Foods.

Updated on  February 25, 2023
William Toro

Published By:  William Toro

Fact Checked by: Bridget MacDonald, RDN

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Almost everyone who is interested in a healthy lifestyle knows about products that promote fat burning. Many people know that there is a certain food that contributes to the accelerated breakdown of accumulated fat and weight loss. However, few people can say with certainty which products contribute to fat burning and how exactly they do it.

Fat Burning Foods List

Different foods have different types of fat-burning effects. Let's consider the most popular varieties of products that are used to fight fat.



One of the most famous and popular products for getting rid of excess fat deposits is ginger. How does it work? In fact, ginger acts very simply: due to its warming effect and the ability to "adjust" the blood to the tissues it affects, ginger significantly accelerates the process of digestion and metabolism. A fast metabolism simply does not leave the body time to store calories in adipose tissue.

Zingerone and Shogaols in ginger aids in fat burning especially around the belly as per research. (2)

In a closed user group when a group was given placebo and other two ginger tablets of 1 gm each, a significant change in appetite and anthropometric measurements over 12 weeks period. (3)

Ginger owes such a wonderful effect to the essential oils contained in its composition. However, it should be remembered that the reverse side of the warming effect is the irritation of the tissues with which these essential oils are directly in contact. Therefore, the use of ginger is extremely undesirable for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which there are inflammations or damage to the gastric and intestinal mucosa.



This product also perfectly contributes to the breakdown of excess fats, but the principle of its action is fundamentally different from the action of ginger. Cinnamon also improves metabolism, but not due to" spurring " the digestive system, but due to more efficient absorption of glucose – the main source of energy for the body. Cinnamon improves its absorption in the tissue, so that the feeling of satiety comes faster. Also, this product helps to maintain a normal level of glucose in the blood, preventing its sharp jumps. (4)

Cinnamon also has certain contraindications – so, this product is undesirable to use for chronic liver diseases. 



This extremely spicy vegetable "works" on approximately the same principle as ginger, but its effect is much stronger. Unfortunately, his contraindications are more serious – if ginger can be used with caution for people with gastrointestinal diseases, then horseradish is definitely contraindicated for them. (5)



This spice activates the digestive process, stimulating the production of gastric juice. Digestion and metabolism occur much faster, and the existing fat deposits begin to actively dissolve. However, like other spicy foods, mustard is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases. (6)


Green tea

Among the fat-burning products, green tea is perhaps the most famous. This product contains a large amount of caffeine, which helps to accelerate the metabolism. The peculiarity of green tea is that it is able to burn not only subcutaneous, but also visceral fat (fat that is deposited on internal organs and is usually" burned " much more difficult). In order to feel the pronounced effect, it is enough to drink two cups of green tea a day. (7)



This fruit perfectly accelerates the metabolism, and in addition contains a large amount of fiber, which helps to stabilize the level of glucose in the blood. It is best to eat grapefruit 15 minutes after the main meal.



Among the products that promote the breakdown of fats, the undisputed champion is pineapple. It contains a rare substance called bromelain, which actively promotes the burning of excess fats under the skin. In addition, pineapple greatly "accelerates" the metabolism and activates the digestive process. It is necessary to use pineapple fresh or make juice from it.

This product also has serious contraindications – so, it should be used with extreme caution for people with gastrointestinal diseases, and for those who suffer from ulcers, pineapple (especially in the form of juice) is completely contraindicated. Also, caution should be observed for people with increased sensitivity of tooth enamel or who have damage to it – pineapple juice affects the tooth enamel very aggressively. After eating pineapple in any form, it is recommended to brush your teeth immediately.



Cabbage also contributes to the accelerated breakdown of fats due to its high fiber content. As already mentioned, fiber helps to regulate the level of glucose in the blood and accelerate the onset of a feeling of satiety. All varieties of cabbage have the ability to burn fat – white cabbage, Peking cabbage, broccoli and others.


Dairy products

Almost all dairy products (1) (with the exception of whole milk) are wonderful fat burners. It is known that dairy products contain a lot of calcium. This element not only strengthens bones, but also prevents the absorption of excess fats and the formation of deposits. In addition, dairy products contribute to the oxidation and breakdown of fats already present in the body due to the high content of easily digestible protein in them. The main thing is that the products used themselves do not differ in high fat content – then the efforts will be useless.

To get rid of excess fats, it is useful to eat such products as low-fat cheeses, cottage cheese, natural yoghurts, as well as various fermented milk products.



Ordinary apples, available to almost everyone, also perfectly cope with the task of burning excess fat. Perhaps their effectiveness is not as high as that of grapefruit or pineapple, but you can use apples almost without restrictions, and the desired effect quickly comes at the expense of quantity. These fruits also help to stimulate digestion and accelerate metabolism, and their skin contains a lot of fiber – so it is better not to peel apples before eating.

What Is "fat burning"?

Fat burning usually refers to the activation of internal processes that stimulate the breakdown of subcutaneous fats, which contributes to a decrease in volume and a decrease in body weight. It should be noted that these can be processes of a very different nature – blocking the feeling of hunger, artificial calorie deficit, activation of metabolic processes, acceleration of digestion, and many others. These processes can be combined with each other, as a result of which the breakdown of fats is much more active.

How Not to Accumulate Fat — General Recommendations

It is obvious that fat-burning products will be useless if you adhere to a lifestyle and eating habits that contribute to the accumulation of fats. After all, all these products do not get rid of fats by themselves – they only activate the internal processes of the body, which contribute to the breakdown of fat deposits. And if the normal course of these processes is disrupted for one reason or another, then no magic will happen – the fat will remain in its place.

Therefore, it is worth bearing in mind that you can fully feel the effect of the products described above only if you adhere to certain simple rules:

It is perfect to eat fractionaly – several times a day (preferably 4-5) in small portions. The nutrients and energy obtained from small portions will be absorbed by the body easily, quickly, and most importantly completely – there will simply be no extra calories that could be stored in the form of a fat reserve.

lack of sleep and various sleep disorders should be avoided. sleep disturbance is a serious stress for the body, and in a state of stress, its first reaction will be to slow down the metabolism and store fats "just in case"

do not eat shortly before bedtime. In a dream, the digestive system, like all other systems of the body, works slower and less actively, so the food consumed at night will not be completely digested, and the excess calories will go into fat deposits. It is best to have dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed – during this time the body will have time to start the digestive processes, and the risk of extra calories will be minimized.

If possible, artificial seasonings and flavor enhancers should be replaced with natural analogues. Artificial flavor enhances the appetite and can lead to overeating. Natural seasonings also increase appetite, however, unlike artificial products, they mostly contribute to the acceleration of metabolic processes, thereby balancing the increased appetite. Therefore, it is worth reducing the amount of artificial seasonings in your diet.

William Toro

William Toro ‧ CPT & Nutritionist

William is a certified personal trainer from NASM, he has also been a rehab physiologist for sports persons. He has more than 15 years of experience training people. And has featured in multiple publications like FoxNews, CNBC, Bustle, and other. 


1. https://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20040416/dairy-foods-fat-weight-loss

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6149881/

3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25899896/

4. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318382

5. https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-horseradish

6. https://recipes.timesofindia.com/articles/health/these-10-facts-about-yellow-mustard-that-make-it-a-superfood/photostory/66652812.cms

7. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/top-10-evidence-based-health-benefits-of-green-tea

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