Why Are Pre Workouts Expensive?

Updated on  March 27, 2023
William Toro

Published By:  William Toro

Fact Checked by: Bridget MacDonald, RDN

Are pre workouts expensive? It's a question that has been on the minds of fitness enthusiasts for years.

Pre-workouts are often seen as a necessary part of an effective workout routine, but many of us always have had reservations about their cost. 

Lets explore the ingredients that make up pre-workout supplements and examine how they benefit your exercise performance—as well as take a look at what you can expect to pay when it comes to purchasing them. 

Is pre workouts expensive or is there more value than meets the eye? Let's find out!

Pre-Workout Ingredients


Caffeine is one of the most popular ingredients found in pre-workouts. It helps to increase energy and focus, allowing you to push yourself harder during workouts.

Caffeine also helps to reduce fatigue, so you can work out for longer periods of time without feeling exhausted.

Additionally, caffeine has been shown to improve reaction times and alertness which can be beneficial when performing complex exercises or activities that require quick thinking.


Creatine is another common ingredient found in pre-workouts. It helps your body produce more ATP (energy) which allows you to perform at higher intensities for longer periods of time.

Creatine also increases muscle mass and strength, making it easier for you to lift heavier weights or complete more reps with a given weight than if you weren’t taking creatine as part of your pre-workout routine. (3)

Beta Alanine

Beta-alanine is an amino acid that works by increasing carnosine levels in muscles, which improves endurance and reduces fatigue during exercise sessions.

Beta-alanine also helps buffer lactic acid build up, so your muscles don’t become too acidic while working out; this reduces the risk of cramping or soreness after exercise sessions are over.

Taking beta-alanine before workouts can help give you the extra edge needed when trying to reach new personal bests or break through plateaus in performance goals such as running faster mile times or lifting heavier weights for multiple reps without fatiguing quickly afterwards

What ingredients make pre workout expensive?

On an average a high quality pre workout like Transparent Lab's Bulk or Pre Kaged's Elite contains more than 18 ingredients. Some ingredients are more expensive than basic ingredients. 

For eg. 

1) Creatine Monohydrate Vs Creatine HCL

Creatine comes in various forms. Creatine monohydrate is the cheapest form of creatine and mostly sold commercially . Where as creatine HCL is quite expensive and is highly soluble than other forms of creatine. Making it most expensive ones.

2) Caffeine: 

Not all caffeine are created equal, some caffeine are of higher quality than others depending on what source they are extracted from and how they are extracted. 

3) Additional ingredients

Basic pre workouts don't have all the ingredients. But some have additional ones like Taurine, Beta alanine, etc which adds to the cost of pre workout. Some also come with vitamins D and BCAAs. 

Benefits of Pre-Workouts

Pre-workouts can provide a range of benefits to help you get the most out of your workouts and reach your fitness goals faster.

Increased Energy and Focus:

Pre-workouts contain ingredients such as caffeine that can give you an energy boost, allowing you to push yourself harder during exercise.

Caffeine also helps improve focus, so you’re able to stay on task and keep pushing through even when it gets tough.

Improved Endurance and Strength: Pre-workout supplements often contain creatine which is known for its ability to increase muscle strength and endurance.

Creatine helps your muscles produce more ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the main source of energy used by cells in the body during physical activity.

This means that with regular use, pre-workouts can help make your workouts more effective over time by increasing muscular strength and endurance.

Enhanced Muscle Recovery: Beta-alanine is another common ingredient found in pre-workout supplements that has been shown to reduce fatigue levels during exercise, leading to improved performance over time.

It also helps speed up recovery after intense exercise sessions by reducing lactic acid build up in muscles, allowing them to recover faster from strenuous activities like weightlifting or HIIT training.

Overall, pre-workouts are a great way to get an extra edge while working out without having to resort to unhealthy stimulants like sugar or energy drinks.

With their combination of energizing ingredients such as caffeine combined with muscle building components like creatine or beta alanine, they offer a safe yet effective way for athletes looking for better results from their workout routines.

Key Takeaway: Pre-workouts are an effective way to boost energy, strength and endurance while also aiding in muscle recovery.

Benefits include: increased energy & focus; improved endurance & strength; enhanced muscle recovery.

Cost of Pre-Workouts

The cost of pre-workouts is an important factor to consider when deciding which supplement to purchase.

The quality of ingredients used in the manufacturing process, the brand name and reputation of the manufacturer, as well as packaging and shipping costs all contribute to the overall price tag.

When it comes to quality of ingredients, you want a product that contains only natural components with no artificial additives or fillers.

High-quality supplements are typically more expensive than those made with cheaper synthetic compounds but they can be worth it if they help you reach your fitness goals faster and more effectively.

Brand name and reputation also play a role in determining cost.

A reputable company will have invested heavily into research and development for their products, so these tend to be priced higher than lesser known brands who may not use top-of-the line ingredients or processes during production.

Finally, packaging and shipping costs can add up quickly depending on where you’re ordering from.

If possible, try looking for local stores that carry pre-workout supplements instead of ordering online; this could save you money in both packaging materials as well as delivery fees.

Cheaper Alternatives to Pre- Workout

Beetroot Juice

Beetroot juice is one of the best pre workout option if you are looking for nitric oxide boost which helps you get great pump. 

The Nitrates in beets converts into NO2 which helps in muscle contraction and increased blood flow. It also enhances VO2 Max of your body. (4)


Solo caffeine may not be the best pre workout, but it does gives you energy boost and help you to stay focus. Caffeine can be take as coffee or caffeine pills. Though we recommend to stay within FDA recommended dose. (1)


Guarana being not just rich in anti oxidants it features also help in maintianing focus and concentration. Apart from that guarana may also promote weight loss. (2) Though guarana can be sometimes difficult to procure. 

Make Your Own

The other best option is to make your own pre workout with ingredients in the market this will cost you around $0.55 per scoop vs $0.88 -$1.33 per scoop of pre workout which are readily available in markets. 


In conclusion, pre-workouts can be expensive due to the ingredients used in them.

However, these ingredients provide numerous benefits that make them worth the cost. 

So if you're asking yourself "are pre workouts expensive?", the answer is yes - but they are also worth it!

We all want to be our best selves, and that means having the energy and motivation to get up early for a workout or crush it at the gym after work.

Pre-workouts are expensive though, so if you're looking for an affordable solution without compromising on quality then look at making your own basic pre workout or if you are on tight budget you can use beetroot as pre workout. 

William Toro

William Toro ‧ CPT & Nutritionist

William is a certified personal trainer from NASM, he has also been a rehab physiologist for sports persons. He has more than 15 years of experience training people. And has featured in multiple publications like FoxNews, CNBC, Bustle, and other. 


1. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/caffeine/

2. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/guarana-benefits

3. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-creatine/art-20347591

4. https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-beetroot

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